
In English

KoiraKikka’s Husky Park

Book Your own experience!


Please note, that we don’t have open hours, always book your visit and activity.



In 2005 Kirsi Översti ”KoiraKikka” became familiar with sled dogs. It took only one year to start her own company. KoiraKikka operates in Southern Finland and around Finnish Lapland. 

Currently we have over 50 Huskies and other dogs and animals. Some of them are film stars, as we do co-operation with media.

KoiraKikka’s sled dogs are pure breed and registered Siperian Huskies. The company is the largest in Southern Finland working exclusively with Siberian Huskies.
Dogs lineage is based on Siberian Huskies raised by Reijo Jääskeläinen, Kirsi’s teacher and good friend. 

Husky Sled Rides, when no snow and visit to Husky Park

Husky Sled Rides, when snow and visit to Husky Park

Visit to the Husky Park 1,5 hours

Send Your booking request by email koirakikka.varaukset@gmail.com Payment with card, cash, SmartumPay and Eazybreak

Suurijärventie 77
18600 Heinola

Y-tunnus 2157228-6